Richard Woolley

CardioRespiratory Pet Referrals Victoria (CPR Victoria) is specialist cardiology referral service, Richard can be contacted directly on 0410 363 620, for bookings please email
(if emailing, please include preferred days/dates)

Richard is also offering paid online consultation via the accompanying request form on this page (or email, this service ($170 incl GST) which will be invoiced accordingly to the email address the advice request is sent from (unless advised otherwise).

Advice requests can still be sent to, which will not be charged, but there will be a longer response time.

CardioRespiratory Pet Referrals is dedicated to delivering compassionate expert cardiorespiratory care and providing the best possible outcome for your pet and family.

Case Advice

If you would like Richard to telephone you to discuss a case you are managing, please feel out this form.
You will be charged a fee of $55 (inc GST).

Veterinary Surgery Details

Urgency *
Address *
Post Code
to send advice/invoice to
(if different from advice email)

Animal Details

Species *
Gender *

Case Details

Maximum upload size: 10MB

Regional Clinics - 2023

Greencross Vet Hospital at the University

Every Wednesday morning

West - Ballarat

First Friday of each month

(unless a public holiday)

East - Morwell

Third Friday of each month

(unless a public holiday)

Adelaide - No longer visiting